Diseases Treated


Rejuvenation Therapy with Ayurveda In the Ayurvedic texts, rejuvenation has been termed as ‘Rasayana’. The definition of Rasayana in Ayurveda is described as: “That which destroys the old age and disease”. The Rasayana or rejuvenation therapy aims at keeping the enzymes in the tissue cells in their normal functioning condition. These cells are revitalized with this […]

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beauty treatment

Head Massage (Shiroabhyanga) A head massage not only offers sensory pleasures but also stimulates hair follicles and improves blood circulation in the scalp. It’s a great stress-buster after a busy week at work, and depending on the choice of oil, a head massage may reduce the symptoms of migraine, calm your tense nerves, promote relaxation

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eye health

Introduction to Eye Care and Eye Health Ever wondered how it may feel to lose the ability to see? Let’s make the imagination easier: Remember the times you played “blindfold” as a kid? Or when you got inspired by a visually impaired movie character and tried walking with your eyes closed? While small games in

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general health

General Health The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines health as a state of physical, mental, and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Importance of maintaining good health Good health provides Happiness Well being Prosperity and wealth Economic progress More productive Common causes of physical weakness Anaemia Lack of proper sleep

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Ayurvedic Treatment of Varicosis (Varicose Veins) Varicosis, or varicose veins, caused by weakened valves in the veins of the legs, refers to a condition in which the veins of the legs become varicose, i.e. they appear swollen and bulging and can be discerned beneath the surface of the skin.  Varicose veins may be dark in

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kindey stone

Kidney Stones: Causes, Ayurvedic Treatment & Remedies Imagine a scenario where everything is going well in your life. You are healthy and happy, your days are busy, and your nights are full of joy and relief. Then, suddenly, one day, an excruciating pain grows in your abdominal region. It moves around your back, stomach, and

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weight loss

Ayurveda is a wellness system that originated in India around 5,000 years ago. Though it’s one of the world’s oldest healthcare traditions, millions of people all over the world practice it today. In fact, the popularity of Ayurvedic medicine is growing. Analysts expect that by 2022, Ayurvedic medicine will have become a nearly $10 million

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skin problem

Skin Disease in Ayurveda Skin is a vital part of our body’s health and wellbeing. Our skin integrates our whole body “under one roof”. Skin senses pain, temperature and pressure. It is prone to injuries both externally and internally. Skin diseases indicate that something is wrong inside the body. Lack of internal equilibrium manifests through

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As the wonderful spring and summer months pass, some of us genuinely begin to fear the arrival of the winter season because of the horror it brings along, the dreaded D-word – dandruff! Not just winters, but for some people, dandruff is a serious problem all year round. Are you one of them? Then, don’t

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hair fall

Understanding Hair Fall Hair fall is frustrating. Hair fall is demoralising. Hair fall adds stress to life. And oh, stress also adds hair fall to life. Vicious cycle, isn’t it? While hair fall can scare people of all ages, the need for special care and attention to hair health is growing. But before we do

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