Health Tips

Holistic Approach To Health Care – Ayurveda

Meaning of Ayurveda Ayurveda is the most popular holistic forms of medicine that has originated in India, and is now rapidly spreading around the world. Ayurveda is a combination of two Sanskrit words, ayus meaning ‘life’ and veda meaning ‘knowledge’. Hence, Ayurveda literally means ‘the knowledge of life’. Indians believe that Ayurveda originated as a form of medicine

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5 best Ayurvedic superfoods ideal for daily diet

We often refer to certain foods as ‘superfoods’, not because they are exotic or out-of-reach, but because they carry immense health value and grow in our own backyards. Ayurveda suggests that watching what you eat is the first step to remaining healthy. Ayurveda practitioner, Dr. Rahul Dogra of the Kairali Ayurvedic Group, an institution dedicated

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Ayurvedic treatment found beneficial for kidney disease

According to latest news, Ayurvedic line of treatment can be beneficial for patients suffering from chronic kidney disease. The latest news is that ayurvedic drug made of ‘Punarnava’ plant and other well-known kidney protective herbs in ayurvedic formulations have shown positive results in preventing and reducing high levels of serum creatinine, the kidney function parameters.

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